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  • jaimiemackie

Useful resources that I used to build my career.

Updated: Jul 29, 2019

When I started my career as a writer, in all its different forms, I had no idea where I should go, how I could start writing for a living, and I had no idea about who to trust in the industry. Then I found some very useful places that have helped me on the first rungs of the ladder leading to a steady income for me and my family.

One of the most influential of all the people who I have met on my writing career journey is a lady called Carol Tice. She has a website that is literally overflowing with resources that have meant that I could start to learn to write for any number of magazines, blogs, and other websites.

It has been a very difficult path that I have taken because I started this career without any academic qualifications (just like Carol Tice, actually, and she is doing very well) and I have been drawing on my very vivid imagination in order to create the worlds that are floating around in my head.

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